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5 Things to Do First Thing in the Morning For An Aligned Day

Laela Sequoia | 0 Comments | Return|
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The way you start your morning affects the rest of your day. The way you set the tone with how you show up for yourself trickles down into how you show up for others. Taking good, conscious care of ourselves directly benefits our friends, family, in work, with other drivers on the road, etc. Here are some tips on starting your morning in alignment so that you feel empowered as the day moves forward!


1. Give Thanks

Simply for having another day, and for anything and everything else beautiful and good that comes to mind. Gratitude sets our expectations for good by tuning into the good right in front of us. It's an invaluable practice for change and growth, and starting our days off this way encourages us to return to this frequency time and time again.


2. Hydrate.

Replenish yourself. Drinking water shortly after waking is a great way to show yourself you care. For me, following up that first glass of water with the ritual of fruit or a warm cup of tea introduces a sense of calm and repose to my day early on. Our bodies are 60% water! Keeping hydrated benefits every single organ and system in our bodies.



3. Affirm.

The use of positively charged words goes a long way. This looks different for all of us! It may take the form of listening to uplifting music, journaling, or you may choose to listen to guided affirmations, such as the one recently shared on our YouTube page.

You may also enjoy writing your own affirmations and reading them aloud or to yourself silently. The way we think is a vitally important part of both our health and the world around us. The brain is a muscle, and taking the time to flex and strengthen it affects our lives profoundly over time.


4. Move your body.

Get outside if you can, and feel yourself waking with the sun and the birds. Support your natural blood flow, get grounded, and open your heart chakra through a little bit of cardio!


5. Just be.

Moving in mindfulness, or sitting in meditation and prayer, is a gift that goes a long way in attuning us to peace and tenderness throughout our days and lives. Simply listening and observing for a moment is a gem of a practice that teaches your system that there is always a peaceful space available to you.


Thank you for reading! Join us for service on Sunday mornings, a time of communal self-care and gratitude during which we tune into the love and abundance that's always present and all around us.

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